Thursday, July 7, 2011


The doctor came today.  She said that she is a very strong woman, her heart and oxygen are strong, but her body is shutting down.  She is no longer getting out of bed or speaking.  She is not really waking up much anymore.

She said that she is at extreme peace, especially for someone her age, so we were happy to hear that.

She told us that she will likely pass within a few days.

Thanks again for all of your love and support.


  1. Thinking about you-you are in our prayers!
    Love, Heather and Craig too

  2. We are thinking about you. Your sweet mom is such a strong person. Your family is in our prayers. We love you guys!

  3. I'm so sorry Brandi. I know how hard it is to watch your mom go through that, especially at the end. I'll pray for her and you and your family! I know we haven't keep in touch much, but if you ever want to talk I would be happy to call sometime if you send me your number.

  4. You and your family are most definitely in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there! Your mom is such a fighter and so are YOU! Love, US

  5. My girls and I are sitting here bawling. We love love love your sweet mom. She has seen my girls grow up, slipping them Popsicles thru the fence, and checking on me and Rick. I am so glad to hear that she feels peace. I pray that you and your family do as well. Please keep us updated. You are all in our constant thought and prayer. We love you guys.
    Heather, Rick, Hailey And Tayler DeVore

  6. Your mom is so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and I know you feel the same about her. I can't imagine the emotions you and your family are feeling right now. Your mom is a true fighter. Know we are thinking about her and your family at this time. I wish we were closer by.

  7. Both of your parents are so strong and amazing people. I have enjoyed their friendship and your mom has been such an example to me in so many ways I love her dearly, she gave me strength during my time of need once even though she was just starting with all her stuff. They both have always put you kids first and others before themselves and for this they will be greatly blessed. I send you all our love and you're in our prayers. I am also grateful she has found peace.

  8. I feel blessed to call your mom my friend. She is amazing! She loves you all. We are praying for you.

  9. Brandi,
    My heart goes out to you. This hits so close to home. You are such a strong person and have been a wonderful daughter. Your mom is an amazing lady. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let us know of anything we could do to help out. The Christianson's

  10. Chris is an incredible person and example to all who came in contact with her. I have no reason to complain about anything as I never heard her complain about her situation. I know Makenna thinks of her Grandma Chris as her "hero"! That is a fitting title. Reed, Brandi, Brooke, & Zak our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. Chris fly with the angels as you are free. We love an miss you. "Till we meet again!"

    The Godfreys


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